- binary decoder
- двоичный дешифратор, дешифратор двоичных кодов
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
binary decoder — dvejetainis dekoderis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. binary decoder vok. Binärentschlüßler, m; binärer Decoder, m rus. slankiojo kablelio nustatymas, m pranc. décodeur binaire, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Decoder — For the drum and bass musician, see Decoder (artist). For the band, see Decoder (band) A Digitrax DH163AT DCC decoder in an Athearn locomotive before the shell goes on. A decoder is a device which does the reverse operation of an encoder, undoing … Wikipedia
binary-to-decimal decoder — dvejetainis dešimtainis keitiklis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. binary to decimal converter; binary to decimal decoder vok. Binär Dezimal Umwandler, m; Binär Dezimal Wandler, m; Dual Dezimal Umsetzer, m rus. двоично десятичный… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Binary Ordered Compression for Unicode — BOCU 1 is a MIME compatible Unicode compression scheme. BOCU stands for Binary Ordered Compression for Unicode. BOCU 1 combines the wide applicability of UTF 8 with the compactness of SCSU. This Unicode encoding is designed to be useful for… … Wikipedia
binary-to-decimal converter — dvejetainis dešimtainis keitiklis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. binary to decimal converter; binary to decimal decoder vok. Binär Dezimal Umwandler, m; Binär Dezimal Wandler, m; Dual Dezimal Umsetzer, m rus. двоично десятичный… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
decoder — A device for translating electrical signals into predetermined functions. By combining gates and inverters, it is possible to convert a binary number to a decimal, and vice versa. Decoders can be made for any type of output required with any type … Aviation dictionary
binärer Decoder — dvejetainis dekoderis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. binary decoder vok. Binärentschlüßler, m; binärer Decoder, m rus. slankiojo kablelio nustatymas, m pranc. décodeur binaire, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Unified Video Decoder — (рус. Унифицированный видео декодер; ранее называемый Universal Video Decoder рус. Универсальный видео декодер; сокращённо UVD) аппаратный компонент (блок) графических процессоров производства американской компании AMD,… … Википедия
Sum addressed decoder — In CPU design, a Sum Addressed Decoder or Sum Addressed Memory (SAM) Decoder is a method of reducing the latency of the CPU cache access. This is achieved by fusing the address generation sum operation with the decode operation in the cache… … Wikipedia
Unified Video Decoder — The Unified Video Decoder, previously called Universal Video Decoder , or UVD in short, is the video decoding unit from ATI Technologies to support hardware decode of H.264 and VC 1 video codec standards, and being a part of AVIVO HD… … Wikipedia
Context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding — ou CABAC que l on peut traduire par codage arithmétique binaire à contexte adaptatif est un type de codeur entropique utilisé dans la norme de compression vidéo H.264 ou MPEG 4 AVC. Il s agit d un codeur arithmétique dont la compression est dite… … Wikipédia en Français